List of codes posted by Nadeemshaik- Page 1

Category Codes Title
C# How to check and Close the Opened Forms 7/3/2013 1387
C# How to check whether Form is Opened or not 7/3/2013 1372
C# Method which is used to get first n (length) characters from string 7/3/2013 1341
C# How to remove the Duplicate Records from the Datatable based on Column 7/3/2013 1455
C# Is AlphaNumeric Validation 7/3/2013 1515
C# IsAlphabets Validation 7/3/2013 1355
C# Is Numeric Validation 7/3/2013 1295
C# Email Validation 7/3/2013 1471
C# How To Convert RichTextBox to String (WPF) 7/3/2013 3344
C# To Check if Two DataTables are Same or not 7/3/2013 1565

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