You are designing an ASP.NET web application that allows members of the Administrators role to edit content by using a HyperLink control on each page named EditHyper Link. You do not want nonadministrators to discover the location of the administration pages.

Which approach should you recommend ?

 Posted by Rajkatie on 10/17/2012 | Category: ASP.NET Interview questions | Views: 4194 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. In the ASPX page, set the EditHyperLink.Visible property to True. In the JavaScript window.onload event handler, set the link’s style.display property to none if the user is not a member of the Administrators role.
  2. In the ASPX page, set the EditHyperLink.Visible property to False. In the JavaScript window.onload event handler, set the link’s style.display property to block if the user is a member of the Administrators role
  3. In the ASPX page, set the EditHyperLink.Visible property to False. In the Page.Load event handler, set the HyperLink.Visible property to True if the user is a member of the Administrators role.
  4. In the ASPX page, set the EditHyperLink.Visible property to False. In the EditHyper Link.Click event handler, set the HyperLink.Visible property to False if the user is not a member of the Administrators role.
  5. All Above

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