List of interview questions posted by Chikul- Page 2

71 records found.

Category Interview Questions Title
Aptitute Test In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'OPTICAL' be arranged so that the vowels always come together? 23-Dec-2009 10193
Aptitute Test How many 4-letter words with or without meaning, can be formed out of the letters of the word, 'LOGARITHMS', if repetition of letters is not allowed? 23-Dec-2009 12006
Aptitute Test The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is 8.30, is: 23-Dec-2009 10771
Aptitute Test A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past 5, the hour hand has turned through: 23-Dec-2009 11211
Sql Server More than one IDENTITY column per table can be exist in SQL Server . (True /False) 22-Dec-2009 5390
Sql Server How to determine the service pack currently installed on SQL Server? 22-Dec-2009 4701
HTML 5 How FontSize and Font Size is differ in HTML? 22-Dec-2009 4528
JavaScript Can Javascript code be broken in different lines? 22-Dec-2009 6502
.NET Framework What are Jagged Arrarys ? 21-Dec-2009 4157
.NET Framework Why is Global.asax is used for ? 21-Dec-2009 4612
.NET Framework If a method is marked as protected internal who can access it? 21-Dec-2009 7407
ASP.NET How to start NotePad file in AsP.NET with code ? 21-Dec-2009 5815
ASP.NET What method must be overridden in a custom control ? 21-Dec-2009 9692
ASP.NET Where do you store the information about the user locale 21-Dec-2009 6443
ASP.NET What is the lifespan for items stored in viewstate 21-Dec-2009 5873
ASP.NET Name two properties common in every validation control? 21-Dec-2009 4341
ASP.NET What is the transport protocol you use to call a Web service? 21-Dec-2009 4592
ASP.NET Where are shared assemblies stored? 21-Dec-2009 3610
ASP.NET What is the maximum number of cookies that can be allowed to a web site 21-Dec-2009 3656
Sql Server What is the difference between "dynamic SQL" and "stored procedure" ? 21-Dec-2009 4996

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