List of interview questions posted by Vishalneeraj-24503- Page 3

Category Interview Questions Title
JavaScript What does the <noscript> tag do? 16-May-2015 3190
CSS 3 Which tag is used to draw a horizontal row below a text in CSS. 16-May-2015 2291
JavaScript Give an example of escape() function? 16-May-2015 1404
JavaScript What is escape() function in Javascript? 16-May-2015 1467
Visual Studio Where does VS.NET store Web application projects? 16-May-2015 1636
Visual Studio CultureInfo class is placed inside which Namespace in Dot Net? 16-May-2015 1859
ADO.NET Which statement is true concerning SqlDataReader? 16-May-2015 4498
ASP.NET Which property of dropdownlist or checkboxlist,listbox is used to fire their events? 16-May-2015 3512
Visual Studio What are the ways to check if string has no values defined in it? 16-May-2015 1829
ASP.NET Which directive is said to be placed at the top of all ASCX page? 16-May-2015 3398
ASP.NET Which directive is said to be placed at the top of all ASPX page? 16-May-2015 3472
ADO.NET Which statement is true regarding SqlDataReader HasRow property? 16-May-2015 4332
JavaScript Which HTML Form Events does fire the moment that the element loses focus? 16-May-2015 3455
JavaScript Which Textbox or Dropdownlist event is equivalent to TextChanged event of textbox and selectedindexchanged event of dropdownlist control on client-side? 16-May-2015 2049
HTML 5 How do we make an image draggable in HTML5? 16-May-2015 1531
CSS 3 Explain about the hover element? 16-May-2015 1830
HTML 5 DHTML is a combination of which elements? 16-May-2015 2970
HTML 5 Which method is used to get Current Location of the User in GeoLocation in HTML5. 16-May-2015 2014
HTML 5 Which sign is used to separate in attributes which consists of a Name and a Value? 16-May-2015 2150
HTML 5 Which storage object is used to store the data which has no expiry date? 16-May-2015 2133

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