List of interview questions posted by Vishalneeraj-24503- Page 29

Category Interview Questions Title
OOPS We cannot create an instance of an abstract class.So,what is the use of a constructor in an abstract class? 06-Sep-2014 2154
OOPS Can an Abstract class have a constructor? 06-Sep-2014 2407
C# What is the "Default" Keyword in C#? 05-Sep-2014 2455
C# What is Fixed Keyword in C#? 05-Sep-2014 2958
.NET Framework What do we mean by "Output Window" in Visual Studio? 05-Sep-2014 2186
.NET Framework What is a shortcut key for Run to Cursor option? 05-Sep-2014 1756
.NET Framework What is the process for having "Run To Cursor" option? 05-Sep-2014 1711
.NET Framework What do we mean by "Run To Cursor" option in Visual Studio? 05-Sep-2014 2167
Windows Forms Explain the key events in the Lifecycle of the form. 04-Sep-2014 3897
ASP.NET Difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect method? 04-Sep-2014 2128
HTML 5 What is the correct HTML tag for adding a Background Color of Body element? 03-Sep-2014 4283
HTML 5 Text/HTML is called which type of the page? 03-Sep-2014 3651
Sql Server Which option helps us to restore the Database to the point where it got failed? 03-Sep-2014 2847
Sql Server Which of the following is not correct for Delete and Truncate statement? 03-Sep-2014 8883
Sql Server How many Primary Key Constraints can be included in a Table Definition? 03-Sep-2014 3076
Sql Server Which column is known as the column with an optimized storage for NULL values? 03-Sep-2014 2843
Sql Server Cursor that reflects the changes made to database table even after the result set is returned is called? 03-Sep-2014 3379
Sql Server By-default Sql server has which isolation level defined? 03-Sep-2014 2278
Sql Server Difference between Union and Union All keyword? 03-Sep-2014 1674
Sql Server Which of the following is one of the basic approaches for joining tables? 03-Sep-2014 8544

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