Apr, 2014 A2H
RunnerUpWinner N/A Rs. 500/- Runner up winner for the  Forums  section for the month of March 2014 (more question marked as Answer). He has won jQuery tip & tricks source code, ebook and video  worth Rs. 500/-
Jun, 2016 A2H
Winner Rs. 500/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of May 2016 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 500/- cash.
Jul, 2016 A2H
RunnerUpWinner Rs. 300/- N/A RunnerUpWinner of Forums section for the month of June 2016 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 300/- cash.
Sep, 2016 A2H
RunnerUpWinner Rs. 300/- N/A RunnerUpWinner of Forums section for the month of August 2016 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 300/- cash.
Jan, 2017 A2H
Winner Rs. 250/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of December 2016 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 250/- cash.
Feb, 2017 A2H
Winner Rs. 350/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of January 2017 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 350/- cash.