SMO allows you to manage all objects which lives in the Microsoft SQL Server. It allows you to create, drop or alter objects from your .NET application with a API which is really easy to use.
Create a identical copy of a table in a SQL Server Database with SMO?
My first thought was no problem at all. But after some minutes of
thinking (and after I came to realize that there is no Copy method
provided by the Table class) I recognized it will be much harder. The
download link at the end of the article contains the sample code.
To modify, create or delete a database object, every class (which
represents a database entity like Table, Index and so on) contains a
Alter, Drop and Create method. As i mentioned in my first article about
SMO, the library has a hierarchical structure like the objects in SQL
Server. Every object contains a property Parent, so a Database object
will return a Server object when the property Parent is called. SMO also
allows you to generate the SQL Script, simply call the Script method
(which also is implemented by every database entity), it will return a
string collection which contains the scripts. You will find a lot more
information on MSDN.
Copy the database table
Back to our goal, copy a table with the whole structure. First a method has copy the table and all the columns.
private Table createTable(Table sourcetable)
Database db = sourcetable.Parent;
string schema = sourcetable.Schema;
Table copiedtable = new Table(db, sourcetable.Name + "_Copy", schema);
Server server = sourcetable.Parent.Parent;
createColumns(sourcetable, copiedtable);
copiedtable.AnsiNullsStatus = sourcetable.AnsiNullsStatus;
copiedtable.QuotedIdentifierStatus = sourcetable.QuotedIdentifierStatus;
copiedtable.TextFileGroup = sourcetable.TextFileGroup;
copiedtable.FileGroup = sourcetable.FileGroup;
return copiedtable;
private void createColumns(Table sourcetable, Table copiedtable)
Server server = sourcetable.Parent.Parent;
foreach (Column source in sourcetable.Columns)
Column column = new Column(copiedtable, source.Name, source.DataType);
column.Collation = source.Collation;
column.Nullable = source.Nullable;
column.Computed = source.Computed;
column.ComputedText = source.ComputedText;
column.Default = source.Default;
if (source.DefaultConstraint != null)
string tabname = copiedtable.Name;
string constrname = source.DefaultConstraint.Name;
column.AddDefaultConstraint(tabname + "_" + constrname);
column.DefaultConstraint.Text = source.DefaultConstraint.Text;
column.IsPersisted = source.IsPersisted;
column.DefaultSchema = source.DefaultSchema;
column.RowGuidCol = source.RowGuidCol;
if (server.VersionMajor >= 10)
column.IsFileStream = source.IsFileStream;
column.IsSparse = source.IsSparse;
column.IsColumnSet = source.IsColumnSet;
all information and columns are set, the table can be created by calling
Create. Since SMO supports different SQL Server versions, you will also
have to handle this in your code! Unfortunately, there is no enum with
the versions, so you have to check the VersionMajor property of the
Server object.
Copy all attached objects
To have the similar structure in the new table, you will have also to
copy the checks, indexes and foreign keys. If you need the identical
functionality, you will also have to copy the triggers.
private void createChecks(Table sourcetable, Table copiedtable)
foreach (Check chkConstr in sourcetable.Checks)
string name = copiedtable.Name + "_"+ chkConstr.Name;
Check check = new Check(copiedtable, name);
check.IsChecked = chkConstr.IsChecked;
check.IsEnabled = chkConstr.IsEnabled;
check.Text = chkConstr.Text;
private void createForeignKeys(Table sourcetable, Table copiedtable)
foreach (ForeignKey sourcefk in sourcetable.ForeignKeys)
string name = copiedtable.Name + "_" + sourcefk.Name;
ForeignKey foreignkey = new ForeignKey(copiedtable, name);
foreignkey.DeleteAction = sourcefk.DeleteAction;
foreignkey.IsChecked = sourcefk.IsChecked;
foreignkey.IsEnabled = sourcefk.IsEnabled;
foreignkey.ReferencedTable = sourcefk.ReferencedTable;
foreignkey.ReferencedTableSchema = sourcefk.ReferencedTableSchema;
foreignkey.UpdateAction = sourcefk.UpdateAction;
foreach (ForeignKeyColumn scol in sourcefk.Columns)
string refcol = scol.ReferencedColumn;
ForeignKeyColumn column =
new ForeignKeyColumn(foreignkey, scol.Name, refcol);
private void createIndexes(Table sourcetable, Table copiedtable)
foreach (Index srcind in sourcetable.Indexes)
if (!srcind.IsDisabled && (srcind.IsClustered ||
(!srcind.IsClustered && !srcind.IsXmlIndex)))
string name = copiedtable.Name + "_" + srcind.Name;
Index index = new Index(copiedtable, name);
index.IndexKeyType = srcind.IndexKeyType;
index.IsClustered = srcind.IsClustered;
index.IsUnique = srcind.IsUnique;
index.CompactLargeObjects = srcind.CompactLargeObjects;
index.IgnoreDuplicateKeys = srcind.IgnoreDuplicateKeys;
index.IsFullTextKey = srcind.IsFullTextKey;
index.PadIndex = srcind.PadIndex;
index.FileGroup = srcind.FileGroup;
foreach (IndexedColumn srccol in srcind.IndexedColumns)
IndexedColumn column =
new IndexedColumn(index, srccol.Name, srccol.Descending);
column.IsIncluded = srccol.IsIncluded;
The creation of the indexes, checks and foreign keys is similar than
the creation of the table itself. So now you only have to call the
methods in the correct order to get the full copy.
Transactions and SMO
You can easily execute a set of operations in the same transaction
scope, so if something fails, everything will be rolled back. If we take
the sample from above and want to make shure, that the table will only
be copied if everything can be copied, we simply add the
TransactionScope object which does everything for us.
public Table Copy(Table sourcetable)
using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
var copiedtable = createTable(sourcetable);
createChecks(sourcetable, copiedtable);
createForeignKeys(sourcetable, copiedtable);
createIndexes(sourcetable, copiedtable);
return copiedtable;
Download the source code!