Dear Advertisers,
Thank you very much for your interest in advertising on DotNetFunda.Com. DotNetFunda.Com is a popular knowledge based website focused on Microsoft Technologies and is visited by people from almost all geographical region of the world. For details on Alexa rank and traffic, please visit
Quick Statistics
- Alexa ranking : ~ 11,900
- Page views : ~ 1,234,794
- Unique visitors : ~ 312,759
- Registered users : ~ 16,104
- RSS Subscribers : ~ 5,550 in different sections
- Newsletter subscribers : ~ 5,357
- Facebook fans : ~ 6266
- Google page rank : 5 (all sections home page too)
- Visitors from countries and territories : 206
- New visitors % : 56.48% new visitors
- % new visitors : 34.53%
As on last week of Dec 2012
Below are the Ad slots available for different pages on the website. We can also customize the advertisements to suit your need and can remove existing generic advertisements if it looks competitive to you.
* Apart from these Ad sizes, other standard Ad sizes are also available.
Please allow at least two working days to appear your advertisements on the website after we receive the payment. Please feel free to contact us through
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Wish you a happy advertising !
Best regards,