Fetch, Read, Write, and Store by HINDI Language in ASP.NET

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In this article I am try to fetch, read, write and store data by HINDI Language. In a article I am show how to change you your required language , Hindi Translation, English , Hindi(Devlys001), and other language change by press right side Alt + Shift button both

First Step Download HINID Indic IME 1 V 5.0

Firstly do this task . . download the this Unicode generator software HINID Indic IME 1 V 5.0   then install this software on ur pc . .  not a such difficult setting easily .. Installed in ur pc. . then you start ur ASP.NET.

In sql

In sql create a table with required data entry. And  u want to add hindi in column so such data type NVARCHAR . must be NAME, Father Name, Address, City, are NVARCHAR data type…….

In aspx page

In aspx apge draw a control textboxes and buttons. Then after write this code for save data in SQL Database..

Write this code on Button Event

protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



        string sql = "insert into hindi(name,Fathername,address,city,phone)values(N'" +            TextBox1.Text + "',N'" + TextBox2.Text + "',N'" + TextBox3.Text + "',N'" +              TextBox4.Text + "',N'"+ TextBox5.Text + "')";

        cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, localclass1.mycon);

        int res;

        res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();



In insert query must be added N character starting point on textbox Like this ….  N’”+ TextBox4.Text +”’ . . Such character is support to Save Unicode to Nvarchar  Data Type.

Many Type Language you Use as ur Requirement

Here is many option to use many Languages change in setting by Clicking right side Alt + Shift button .  Hindi key board Option generated in Right Side then you chose what you want in Languages .  Like Hindi transliteration ,Hindi Remington, Hindi Typewriter, Hinidi Inscript, Hinid Web Duniya KeyBoard,Hindi Anglo Nagri .


Change Language as your Requirement . . and Enjoy this Code . .


With this code I am try to solve HINDI language problem short out. .  in many time we want to use Hindi language in Application  but we don’t know easily way for do this ..  but after do this code Hindi language going on Easley in application & Database . .  Enjoy it . .

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About the Author

Full Name: prabhakar parihar
Member Level:
Member Status: Member,MVP
Member Since: 1/12/2011 5:05:40 AM
Country: India
Best Regard's Prabhakar
7.6 Years exp. Software Development with ASP.NET C#

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Modit on: 6/12/2011 | Points: 25
hi, really a nice article. can you attach the complete code of your project.

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