This is the 8th MVC (Model view controller) tutorial and in this article we try to understand how we can validate data passed in MVC URL’s. In case you are completely new to MVC (Model view controller), do have a look at the previous articles and videos given in the table below for quick start.
How to validate data
provided in MVC URL’s (MVC Tutorial number 8)?
This is the 8th MVC (Model view controller) tutorial and in this article we
try to understand how we can validate data passed in MVC URL’s. In case you are
completely new to MVC (Model view controller), do have a look at the previous
articles and videos given in the table below for quick start.
My half life has been spent on writing interview questions for Microsoft
technology and I hope I keep writing them. You can see my video tutorial for the
same by clicking on
.NET,ASP.NET,C#,MVC Interview questions and answers
MVC is all about action which happens via URL and data for those actions is also
provided by the URL. It would be great if we can validate data which is passed
via these MVC URL’s.
For instance let’s consider the MVC URL
http://localhost/Customer/ViewCustomer . If anyone wants to view
customer details for 1001 customer code he needs to enter
http://localhost/Customer/ViewCustomer/1001 .
The customer code is numeric in nature. In other words anyone entering a MVC URL
http://localhost/Customer/ViewCustomer/Shiv is invalid. MVC framework
provides a validation mechanism by which we can check on the URL itself if the
data is appropriate. In this article we will see how to validate data which is
entered on the MVC URL. So let’s start step by step.
Step 1:- Create a simple customer model
The first is to create a simple customer class model which will be invoked by
the controller.
public class Customer
public int Id { set; get; }
public string CustomerCode { set; get; }
public double Amount { set; get; }
Step 2:- Create the controller class
The next step is to create a simple controller class which has collection of the
customer model object which was created in step 1.
public class CustomerController : Controller
List<Customer> Customers = new List<Customer>();
// GET: /Customer/
public CustomerController()
Customer obj1 = new Customer();
obj1.Id = 12;
obj1.CustomerCode = "1001";
obj1.Amount = 90.34;
obj1 = new Customer();
obj1.Id = 11;
obj1.CustomerCode = "1002";
obj1.Amount = 91;
public ViewResult DisplayCustomer(int id)
Customer objCustomer = Customers[id];
return View("DisplayCustomer",objCustomer);
The controller has a simple ‘DisplayCustomer’ function which displays the
customer using the ‘id’ value. This function takes the ‘id’ value and looks up
through the customer collection. Below is the downsized reposted code of the
public ViewResult DisplayCustomer(int id)
Customer objCustomer = Customers[id];
return View("DisplayCustomer",objCustomer);
If you look at the ‘DisplayCustomer’ function it takes an ‘id’ value which is
numeric. We would like put a validation on this id field with the following
• Id should always be numeric.
• It should be between 0 to 99.
We want the above validations to fire when the MVC URL is invoked with data.
Step 3:- Apply validation using regex on the MVC routes
The validation described in the step 2 can be achieved by applying regular
expression on the route map. If you go to global.asax file and see the maproute
function on the inputs to this function is the constraint as shown in the below
In case you are new to regular expression we would advise you to go through this
video on regular expressions
So in order to accommodate the numeric validation we need to the specify the
regex constraint i.e. ‘\d{1,2}’ in the ‘maproute’ function as shown below.
‘\d{1,2}’ in regex means that the input should be numeric and should be maximum
of length 1 or 2 , i.e. between 0 to 99.
You can specify default values by saying id=0 as shown in the below code
snippet. So just in case if some one does not specify the value to the id it
will take the value as zero by default.
"View", // Route name
"View/ViewCustomer/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Customer", action = "DisplayCustomer", id
= 0 }, new { id = @"\d{1,2}" }); // Parameter defaults
Step 4:- Test if it works
So now that we are done with the validation using the ‘maproute’ functions,
it’s time to test if these validations work.
So in the first test we have specified valid 1 and we see that the controller is
hit and the data is displayed.
If you try to specify value more than 100 you would get error as shown below.
Please note that the error is confusing but it’s the effect of the regex
validation which is specified on the maproute function.
If you try to specify a non-numeric value you should again get the same error
which confirms that our regex validation is working properly.
The most important point to note is that these validations are executed even
before the request reaches the controller functions.
So what’s in the next article
One of the crucial things in any website development is defining navigations
from one page to the other page. In MVC everything is an action and those
actions invoke the views or pages. We can not specify direct hyperlinks like
, this would defeat the purpose of MVC. In other words we need to specify
actions and these actions will invoke the URL’s.
In the next article we will look in to how to define outbound URL in MVC
views which will help us to navigate from one page to other page.