Here i am going to teach you a very nice and cool css effect. Creating circles with css. Is it that amazing. I have tested it in mozilla firefox and chrome browsers. and it works fine.
Creating a circle in CSS3. This is pretty awesome write... and its simple too. Anybody who knows basic css can do this. hope every one will try this.
Objective of this article is to create a circle with css
Using the code
First thing is that you need to create a division in your webpage. Just using the <div>
Next is our css
The css is so simple. we are going to use the border-radius property in css3.
Note: the height and width should be equal.
.circle {
border-radius: 50%;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
Now jus add the css class
<div class="circle">
The circel is ready.
so jus think how easy this thing is. Hope this will help the web designers out here.
Happy Coding