In this article, we will look into the Try_Convert function of SQL Server 2012 (Denali).
Sql Server 2012 has brought a lot of new functions for the T-Sql developers. One among those functions is the Try_Convert function. In the earlier versions
of SQL, it was not possible to know before hand if a casting is possible from one type to another unless we encounter some error confirming about the same.For example,
let us try with the below statement
Select CONVERT(int,'This is a string and will fail if you try to convert to int')
A expected it failed with the below error message
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'This is a string and will fail if you try to convert to int' to data type int.
In order to avoid this kind of situation, we can use the Try_Convert function
It transforms the source data into the target type if the conversion is possible else null.
Try_Convert (Target Data Type, expression [ , style ])
Target Data Type=> The target datatype
Expression => The value to be cast
Style => It is optional integer expression. It indicates how the function will translate the expression.
Some Example
Try_Convert(int, 'It is a string') As Result1
,Try_Convert(int, '100') As Result2
,Try_Convert(Date,'18500412') As Result3
,Try_Convert(DateTime,'Abcd efgh') As Result4
/* Result
Result1 Result2 Result3 Result4
NULL 100 1850-04-12 NULL
Custom Try_Convert function
We can make our own Try_Convert function by using the CLR Function. Here is an attempt to do so
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]
public static SqlBoolean TryConvertFn(string value, string dataType)
bool status = TryConvert(value, dataType);
return new SqlBoolean(status);
/// Function: TryConvert
/// bool
private static bool TryConvert(string val, string key)
bool flag = true;
Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
dict.Add("int", typeof(Int32));
dict.Add("bigint", typeof(Int64));
dict.Add("datetime", typeof(DateTime));
dict.Add("numeric", typeof(Decimal));
switch (dict[key].FullName)
case "System.Int32":Int32.TryParse(val);break;
case "System.Int64":Int64.TryParse(val); break;
case "System.DateTime":DateTime.TryParse(val); break;
case "System.Decimal":DateTime.TryParse(val);break;
flag = !flag;
return flag;
In this case we are maintaining a dictionary object where we are storing some datatypes (just for example sake). Then using the TryParse
function, we are trying to convert the source to target type.
N.B.~I have assumed that the readers know atleast the basic of creating a CLR function and installation of the same
SQL Server 2012 (Denali) seems to be very mature and promising and has embeeded with many new functions.In this article we have looked into the Try_Convert function, the benefit of it and how can we make our own CLR based Try_Convert function.Hope the article will be useful.
Thanks for reading