In this article we will learn IIF function of Sql Server 2012 (Denali).
Sql Server 2012 has brought a lot of new functions for the T-Sql developers. In this article we will look into IIF Function.We are already familiar with IF..Else statement which executes after evaluating a Boolean value. Now from Sql 12, we have the function in place- IIF ().
Returns a value as per the specified Boolean condition.
IIF([Condition],[True Value],[ False Value])
Condition = Is any valid Boolean expression.
True Value = The value returned if the Condition evaluates to True.
False Value = The value returned if the Condition evaluates to False.
N.B.~ It can be treated as a shorthand version of Case statement.
Example 1: Simple IIF()
Select Result = IIF(1=1,'OK','Not OK')
The same can be done by using case statement as.
Select Result = Case When 1 = 1 Then 'OK' Else 'Not OK' End
OR using the IF..Else block as
If(1=1) Print 'OK'
Else Print 'Not OK'
Example 2: Nested IIF().Find the bigger of two numbers
Declare @Num1 As Int = 1
Declare @Num2 As Int = 2
Select Result = IIF(@Num1 > @Num2, 'First Number is bigger',
IIF(@Num2 > @Num1,'Second number is bigger','Numbers are equal'))
Second number is bigger
However, an equivalent case statement will be
Declare @Num1 As Int = 1
Declare @Num2 As Int = 2
Select Result = Case When @Num1 > @Num2 Then 'First Number is bigger'
When @Num2 > @Num1 Then 'Second number is bigger'
Else 'Numbers are equal' End
Example 3: Specifying more than one condition in IIF() . Find the biggest of three numbers
We can always specify any conditional or logical operator for specifying multiple conditions inside the boolean expression as illustrated below
Declare @Num1 As Int = 10
Declare @Num2 As Int = 50
Declare @Num3 As Int = 30
Select Result = IIF(@Num1 > @Num2 And @Num1 > @Num3, 'First Number is biggest',
IIF(@Num2 > @Num1 And @Num2 > @Num3,'Second number is biggest',
'Third Number is biggest'))
The equivalent case statement will be
Declare @Num1 As Int = 10
Declare @Num2 As Int = 50
Declare @Num3 As Int = 30
Select Result = Case When @Num1 > @Num2 And @Num1 > @Num3 Then 'First Number is bigger'
When @Num2 > @Num1 And @Num2 > @Num3 Then 'Second number is bigger'
Else 'Third Number is biggest' End
Example 4: IIF() And Choose() function
Suppose we are preparing a quiz game where every question has four options(Kindly ignore the designing of the table.Focus on the usage of Choose function). Now if we need to find out which one the user has answered, we can use this function to get the answer like the below
Declare @tblQuiz table
[QuestionID] int identity
,[UserName] Varchar(100)
,[Question] Varchar(100)
,[AnswerID] int
,[Option1] varchar(50)
,[Option2] varchar(50)
,[Option3] varchar(50)
,[Option4] varchar(50)
Insert into @tblQuiz Values
('Deepak','Who was the Indian Skipper when India bagged the Second World Cup Cricket Tournament?',2,'K.Dev','M.S.Dhoni','M.Singh','S.Gavaskar')
,('Deepak','Which nation got the Cricket World Cup 2011?',4,'Srilanka','England','Bangladesh','India')
,('Deepak','Who was the Man of the Tournament in Cricket World Cup 2011?',4,'R.Singh','S.Tendulkar','Y.Singh','Z.Khan')
,('Deepak','Between which two nation the Cricket World Cup 2011 final match was played?',1,'India and Australia','India and Srilanka','WestIndies and Pakistan','Srilanka and South Africa')
Select * from @tblQuiz
/* Results truncated for spacing
QuestionID UserName Question AnsID Opt1 Opt2 Opt3 Opt4
-------- -------- ---- --- ---- --- -- ----
1 Deepak Who ... 2 K.Dev M.S.Dho M.Sin S.Gav
2 Deepak Which... 4 Sri Eng Bang India
3 Deepak Who ... 4 R.Singh S.Ten Y.Singh Z.Khan
4 Deepak Bet ... 1 Ind&Aus Ind&Sri WI&Pak Sri&SA
Along with that table let us add an Answer table as under
Declare @tblAnswer table([QuestionID] int identity, [Correct Answer] varchar(50))
Insert into @tblAnswer Values('M.S.Dhoni'),('India'),('Y.Singh'),('India and Australia')
Now fire the below query
;With Cte As(
,[Answer Given] = Choose([AnswerID],[Option1],[Option2],[Option3],[Option4])
from @tblQuiz
Select c.*,Result = IIF(c.[Answer Given] = a.[Correct Answer]
,'Correct Answer','Wrong Answer')
from Cte c Join @tblAnswer a on a.QuestionID = c.QuestionID
/* Results truncated for spacing
UserName Question Answer Given Result
-------- -------- ------------ ------
Deepak Who was the.. M.S.Dhoni Correct Answer
Deepak Which nation.. India Correct Answer
Deepak Who was the Man.. Z.Khan Wrong Answer
Deepak Between which.. India and Aus Correct Answer
How SQL Server Engine view the IIF Function?
The execution plan being generated is as under
As can be figured out that IIF gets expanded into the corresponding Case statement and that's how the operation happens
SQL Server 2012 (Denali) seems to be very mature and promising and has embedded with many new functions.In this article we have looked into the IIF function and it's usefulness into the T-Sql programming parlance.Hope the article will be useful.