One of the Junior at working was checking with me on how to use Switch Case in FileUpload control.He was assigned a task where different types files should be uploaded to the respective folder.for example,if the user is uploading image,it should be uploaded to the image folder,if PDF then to PDF folder ,if docx/doc then to word folder.And moreover the main part was if the file with the same name already exists in that folder,then filename must get renamed and a notification with new filename is shown to the user.When I helped him complete the code,I thought of sharing it too.
Download source code for Upload differnt types of files to different folders using Switch Case
This article explains using Switch case with File Upload Control to upload files in to the respective folder.Also,if the same name file exists in the folder,then file name gets changed.
Using the code
Have a fileupload control ,a button to upload files and two label controls on the page. Please
create different folders in your solution explorer for respective
files upload. for eg,image forlder for image files,wordfiles folder for uploading
word files and PDF folder for uploading PDF files.
Check the code after the image
// protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
Label1.Text = "please select file to upload";
protected void uploadfiles(HttpPostedFile file)
string ext=Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName); //get the extension of the file
string filepath;
case ".jpg":
filepath=Server.MapPath("./uploadimage/"); for image files
ViewState["filepath"] = filepath.ToString();//we store filepath in viewstate
case ".png":
filepath = Server.MapPath("./uploadimage/");
ViewState["filepath"] = filepath.ToString();
case ".docx":
filepath = Server.MapPath("./uploadwordfiles/"); for word files//
ViewState["filepath"] = filepath.ToString();
case ".doc":
filepath = Server.MapPath("./uploadwordfiles/");
ViewState["filepath"] = filepath.ToString();
case ".pdf":
filepath = Server.MapPath("./uploadpdf/");//for pdf files
ViewState["filepath"] = filepath.ToString();
case ".jpeg":
filepath = Server.MapPath("./uploadimage/");
ViewState["filepath"] = filepath.ToString();
Label1.Text = "this file type is not allowed";
// In this part of code, we will check if the file with the same name exists in the folder.if yes,then we will execute a while loop,changing the name of the file//
string filename = FileUpload1.FileName;
string checkpath= ViewState["filepath"].ToString() + filename;
string tempfilepath = "";
int counter = 2;
tempfilepath = counter.ToString() + filename;
checkpath= ViewState["filepath"].ToString() + tempfilepath;
filename = tempfilepath;
label2.Text = ext.ToString();
Label1.Text = "this filename already exists.your file is saved with the filename" + " " + filename.ToString();
// Notify the user that the file was saved successfully.
Label1.Text = "Your file was uploaded successfully.";
ViewState["filepath"]+= filename;
Using the code above, we can decide the file path according to the file type and also change the file name if the file with the same name already exists.
We learned on how to use Switch Case in FileUpload control
About the Author
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Himanshu PandeyMember Level: Starter
Member Status: Member
Member Since: 6/6/2012 2:28:47 AM
Country: India
Himanshu Pandey
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I am a avid user if this website since i started my career ,always fantasize to post some useful articles into it.I am having 2.5 years of experience in Asp.Net,C#,Sql server,JavaScript and just started m working on WCF and Linq.