Entity Data Model (EDM) is bridge between application and database. LINQ(Language Integated Query) to entity which performs CRUD operations against the Entity Data Model(EDM)
Entity framework is model driven. Entity framework is
conceptual model that works with
database,eliminating gap between data and application. Entity Framework enables to perform CRUD operations. With
the help of entity model simply query against
entity.EDM or ntity Data model is
foundation of entity framework.EDM is
bridge between application and datadbase(sql server). It is capabilteto access the data in oo fasion.Table acts as the object and field of tables
act as property. Each Entity maped to
single database table
LINQ (Language Integated Query)
offers a unifirmly way to access and manage the data irrespective of datasource like
XML,Object collection, database.We can use LINQ to entity which performs
CRUD operations against the Entity Data Model(EDM). It also enables to create
strongly typed and composable queries against EDM.
Using the code
Software Requirements: Visual Studio (3.5/4.0), SQL Server
Step1:Create DataBase In SQL Server
Create Table StockMaster :Query
Create table StockMaster
ItemCode varchar(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
ItemName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Stock int,
float float
Step2:Create New Application
Start Microsoft Visual
Studio => File=> New=> Project
=> Choose Language(c#)=> Choose Application(indow Application )=>0k
Step3: Create Entity
data model from the existing database connection
Solution Explorer =>right click on project => Add => New Item. Select the Data
Template => ADO.NET Entity Data Model and click Add.
The Entity Data Model Wizard appears. Choose
‘Generate From Database’ and click Next
You have to now choose your DataBase Connection.
Our Entity Connection Settings will be stored in the
App.Config file as ‘eguardEntities'. You can change the name to anything else
you want. Click Next
choose the Database Objects You want to include in your
Entity Data Model (EDM).The checkbox ‘Pluralize or singularize generated object names’
gives us the ability to pluralize or singularize object names. This is new to
EF 4.0 and is a welcome change, as in EF 3.5, not being able to
rename/pluralize objects in the model, caused a great deal of confusion.Click Finish to complete the
The .edmx design looks like.
Step4: Perform CRUD operations by using EDM
Code Description
Create Instance of DataContext
EguardEntities=new eguardEntities
Get Data from the DataBase through Entity Framework
public object GetStockMaster()
var v=from sm in EguardEntities .StockMasters
select sm;
return v;
GetStockMaster() Method returns Object datatype. object binds to Datagridview
var V= StockMaster.GetStockMaster();
stkMaterGridview.DataSource = V;
Delete records From
StockMaster through Entity Framework
DeleteObject() method of
EntitySet to delete the object.
SaveChanges() method on the context to
reflect the changes back to database.
public bool DeleteStockMaster(string ItemCodes)
foreach(var sm in EguardEntities.StockMasters.Where(p1=>p1.ItemCode.Equals(ItemCodes)))
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
return false;
Insert StockMaster through entity framework
Entity in the entity model which is StockMaster. Create instance of StockMaster.Then we can set values properties
like ItemCode, ItemName, Rate, Stock.I have been set these value statically. You can set these value dynamically.
StockMaster stockmaster = new StockMaster();
stockmaster.ItemCode = "rg";
stockmaster.ItemName = "Register";
stockmaster.Rate = 20;
stockmaster.Stock = 12;
ObjectContext itself
provides an AddObject() method
which can be used as
AddObject() passes 2 parameters. we need to provide the Entityset(StockMasters) name as the first parameter . SaveChanges() method of the context to reflect the changes
back to the database. It returns Integer value.
int numberOfAffectedRows = EguardEntities.SaveChanges();
public int InsertStockMaster(
stockmaster = new StockMaster();
stockmaster.ItemCode = "rg";
stockmaster.ItemName = "Register";
stockmaster.Rate = 20;
stockmaster.Stock = 12;
EguardEntities.AddObject("StockMasters", stockmaster);
int numberOfAffectedRows = EguardEntities.SaveChanges();
return numberOfAffectedRows;
return 0;
catch(Exception ex)
return 0;
Perform Update Operations Using Entity Framework
varv = (from stkmaster in
EguardEntities.StockMasters where
stkmaster.ItemCode.Equals(ItemCodes) select
This LINQ query returns record
which save in v variable. Before Update any record We have to delete
the object using deleteObject and then save these changes in database by
calling SaveChanges() method.
public void UpdateStockMaster(stringItemCodes)
{ var v = (from stkmaster in EguardEntities.StockMasters where stkmaster.ItemCode.Equals(ItemCodes) select
foreach (StockMaster stockMaster in v)
stockMaster.ItemName ="Ups";
EguardEntities.AddObject("StockMasters", stockMaster);
WHOLE CODE stockMaster.CS
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication5
class stockMaster
eguardEntities EguardEntities=new eguardEntities ();
//Get Data from StockMaster
public object GetStockMaster()
var v=from sm in EguardEntities .StockMasters select sm;
return v;
//Delete Data from StockMaster insert
public bool DeleteStockMaster(string ItemCodes)
foreach(var sm in EguardEntities.StockMasters.Where(p1=>p1.ItemCode.Equals(ItemCodes)))
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
return false;
//insert Data from Stock Master
public int InsertStockMaster()
StockMaster stockmaster = new StockMaster();
stockmaster.ItemCode = "rg";
stockmaster.ItemName = "Register";
stockmaster.Rate = 20;
stockmaster.Stock = 12;
EguardEntities.AddObject("StockMasters", stockmaster);
int numberOfAffectedRows = EguardEntities.SaveChanges();
return numberOfAffectedRows;
return 0;
catch (Exception ex)
return 0;
//Update StockMaster
public void UpdateStockMaster(string ItemCodes)
var v = (from stkmaster in EguardEntities.StockMasters
where stkmaster.ItemCode.Equals(ItemCodes)
select stkmaster).ToList<StockMaster>();
foreach (StockMaster stockMaster in v)
stockMaster.ItemName ="Ups";
EguardEntities.AddObject("StockMasters", stockMaster);
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