Types of Delegates with example program
It is Similar to C++ function pointers, with in delegate Objects we can store the Methods. We can access the methods with in the Main() by using Delegate Objects without using Method name. Delegate is not a member with in the Class
syntax for creating delegate: <access modifier> Delegtae <return type> <delegtaeName>(arguments);
syntax for creating Object for Deleg ate :<DelegateName? <objName> = new <DelegateName>(address of Method);
Types of Delegates:
1. Single Cast Delegate (We can Store only single Method)
2. Multi Cast Delegate (We can Store more than one Method)
Example on SingleCast Delegate:
using System;
namespace SingleCast
public class class1
public int add(int a,int b)
return a+b;
//create Delegate
public delegate int mydelegate(int a,int b);
class program
static void Main (strings[] args)
class1 c1 = new class1();
mydelegate md = new mydelegate(c1.add);
Example program on MultiCast Delegate:
using System;
namespace multicast
public class class1
public void add(int a,int b)
public void sub(int a,int b)
public void mul(int a,int b)
//create Delegate
public delegate void MultiDel(int a,int b);
class program
static Void Main(String[] args)
class1 c1 = new class1();
MultiDel md = new MultiDel(c1.add);
md += c1.mul;
md += c1.sub; //+= is used to add method to delegate
md -= c1.mul; //-= is used to remove method from delegate