In this article,we will learn about different Date conversion from String to Date.
Sometimes project requirements demand capturing Date in string,and sometimes it's also required to convert from string to Date-Time.
For working with String to Date conversion,we have to convert string date to Date then apply some format to have a Date-time values.
There are lots of Date Format as Microsoft has provided us,we can give our own format.
supports many formats like dd/MM/yyyy, MMM-dd-yyyy, dd-MM-yyyy and many more formats.It is versatile and it can provoke a FormatException.
With Date object
ToString,DateTime.Parse or DateTime.ParseExact method,we can pass above date formats to get the date we desired.
DateTime.Parse:- It is a static method that
we can call without using a
Date-Time instance.
It returns a new Date-Time instance,which is represented as a Struct.
If time is not provided, "12 AM" is used.
TryParse:-Whenever we have a string containing a date and time that may
be invalid in formatting or that never occurred,we can use the DateTime.TryParse
static method.It is in the System namespace.
It converts the string to a Date-Time instance without raising an exception on errors.
Different Date conversion from String to Date.
Using the code
We will understand with an example:-
In the code-behind,we will create one method named convert_string_to_date() and in the Page Load event,we will call that method as shown below:-
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
/// <summary>
/// converts following string date into date pattern
/// </summary>
private void convert_string_to_date()
string ds1 = "Sep 2013";
string ds2 = "Monday 2 September 2013 14:15:33";
string ds3 = "2,9,13";
string ds4 = "2/9/2013 14:15:33";
string ds5 = "2:15 PM";
// 1st September 2013 00:00:00
DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Parse(ds1);
// 2nd September 2013 14:15:33
DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Parse(ds2);
// 2nd September 2013 00:00:00
DateTime dt3 = DateTime.Parse(ds3);
// 2nd September 2013 14:15:33
DateTime dt4 = DateTime.Parse(ds4);
// Current Date 14:15:00
DateTime dt5 = DateTime.Parse(ds5);
// Display the converted DateTime objects.
Response.Write(string.Format("String: {0} DateTime: {1}", ds1, dt1));
Response.Write(string.Format("String: {0} DateTime: {1}", ds2, dt2));
Response.Write(string.Format("String: {0} DateTime: {1}", ds3, dt3));
Response.Write(string.Format("String: {0} DateTime: {1}", ds4, dt4));
Response.Write(string.Format("String: {0} DateTime: {1}", ds5, dt5));
// Parse only strings containing LongTimePattern.
DateTime dt6 = DateTime.ParseExact("2:13:30 PM", "h:mm:ss tt", null);
// Parse only strings containing RFC1123Pattern.
DateTime dt7 = DateTime.ParseExact(
"Mon, 02 Sep 2013 14:13:30 GMT", "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'",
// Parse only strings containing MonthDayPattern.
DateTime dt8 = DateTime.ParseExact("December 05", "MMMM dd", null);
DateTime dt9 = DateTime.ParseExact("December 05", "MMMM dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var dt10 = DateTime.ParseExact("24/12/2013", "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Response.Write("<b>Below Output Displays the Converted DateTime objects</b>");
// Display the converted DateTime objects.
Response.Write("Date Conversion: " + dt6);
Response.Write("Date Conversion: " + dt7);
Response.Write("Date Conversion: " + dt8);
Response.Write("Date Conversion: " + dt9);
Response.Write("Date Conversion: " + dt10);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Today,we learned Different Date conversion from String to Date.