Getting Started with Programming in C#

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As we know that now a days C# plays a major role in most of the Web technologies to write the server side code, Ex: ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC etc., Lets start with the Basic programming in C# in this chapter.
Read Introduction to C# before this article.


We have already seen the Introduction and Features of C# programming language in the previous chapter. Now, we are going to see the basic programming concepts in here.

Getting Started

  1. At First Open the Visual Studio in your computer.

  2. Now, choose New Project from the File menu which opens a dialog box for creating New Project like below,

  3. Select Installed, expand Templates, then expand Visual C# and select Console Application like above.

  4. Give a name to your Project as above, and click Ok to create a project in Solution Explorer.

  5. After creating project, it will opens Program.cs by default as below,
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace Hello
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)

  6. Now, replace the above code with the below one,
    using System;
    namespace Hello
        class Program
    	    static void Main()
    	        Console.WriteLine("Hello ! Welcome to C# Programming");

  7. Press F5 key to open up a Command Prompt window which shows you the mesage "Hello ! Welcome to C# Programming" like below,


Let us re-call the above code once again to learn what's in it.
using System;

namespace Hello
    class Program
	    static void Main()
	        Console.WriteLine("Hello ! Welcome to C# Programming");
In the above code., there are so many sections or blocks.

Below statement is called as the Heart of the above program.
Console.WriteLine("Hello ! Welcome to C# Programming");
In C#, statements execute sequentially and terminated with a semicolon(;) or a code block(}).

Statement Block:
Statement block is a pair of braces containing any number of elements or might be zero elements, which performs an action in a series of statements.

static void Main()
Comments or Documentation in C#:
C# supports two ways of Code-Documentation or Comments. They are, single line and multi line.
Below example is the syntax of using comments in C#.
// This is a single line comment

/* This is a multi line comment
   with two lines */
Console is a static class and also part of .Net Framework. It represents the standard I/O streams and error streams for console application.
Console class cannot be Inherited.
Full name is System.Console.


In this article we have seen creating a simple program in C# with a little description. Hope you understand it well. If you get any doubt on this, please ask in the below comments.

Thanks for reading.


Read Identifiers and Keywords in C# Programming after this article.
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About the Author

Full Name: Krishna Vamshi Goud
Member Level: Gold
Member Status: Member,MVP
Member Since: 2/12/2014 2:34:09 AM
Country: India
Thanks & Regards, Krishna

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