Implementing virtually and re-implementing of interfaces in C#

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C# is an Object-oriented programming language. C# comes with simplicity, expressiveness and great performance to meet the programmer productivity.
Read Interface, Explicit Interface Implementations in C# before this article.


In the previous chapter, we have studied on interfaces and explicit interface implementations with examples. Now let's study how to implement interface members virtually and how to re-implement interfaces in the derived classes.


The main objective of this article is to learn about virtual implementation and re-implementation of interfaces in C# with examples.

Virtual Implementation of Interfaces

We already know that, any implicit implemented types of an interface are sealed by default. In order to override any type or member of an interface, it must be called with virtual or abstract in the base class.

Let's have an example,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Example
    class Program
        interface IExample
            void Start();

        class First : IExample
            public virtual void Start()
                Console.WriteLine("This is from Base class");
        class Second : First
            public override void Start()
                Console.WriteLine("This is from Derived class");

        static void Main()
            Second app = new Second();
            app.Start();                // Calls derived class implementation

            ((First)app).Start();       // This also calls the derived class implementation
            ((IExample)app).Start();    // Calls derived class implementation
In the above code, we have an interface IExample with an abstract method Start(). At first we are virtually implementing Start() in the base class First. And from that, we can override that Start() method in the derived class Second by using override modifier.

Now the important thing is that, we have created an object 'app' to the class Second in the Main method. it will directly calls the derived class implementation.

And in the next line, we are calling the Start() of base class (First) explicitly by using cast. Still the derived class (Second) implementation is called as we are overriding the same in the derived class.

Overridden method is given the most priority even we cast the interface (IExample).

Now check the conditions by running the above code in your console which prints following lines,

Note: We cannot mark explicitly implemented interface members as virtual. And also we can't override them. Rather we can re-implement them.

Re-implementing interfaces

Re-implementing means re-using the interface in the derived classes even though it is already implemented by the base class.

When we call through the interface, re-implementation hijacks the member implementation.
  • It checks whether the member in a base class is virtual or not.
  • It also checks whether the implementation of a member is implicit or explicit.
Let's have an example of re-implementing interface in the derived (sub) class,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Example
    class Program
        interface IExample                 // Interface
            void Start();

        class First : IExample
            void IExample.Start()          // Explicit interface implementation
                Console.WriteLine("This is IExample's First.Start");

        class Second : First, IExample
            public new void Start()
                Console.WriteLine("This is Second.Start");

        static void Main()
            Second app = new Second();
            app.Start();                   // Calls Second.Start
            ((IExample)app).Start();       // Calls Second.Start
In the above code, we have an interface IExample. We cannot mark virtual to the base class method as we are using explicit interface implementation IExample.Start() to the base class (First) method.

Now, re-implementing comes into the picture. In order to override the base class (First) method, we have to re-implement IExample's Start() method at the derived class (Second) like we did in the above code. This will let the object app to call the derived class's implementation even we use interface casting.

The above code print the following lines in your console,

Now, let's that we are using implicit implementation for the same definition instead of explicit interface implementation:

Let's recall the above code after a slight change,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Example
    class Program
        interface IExample                 // Interface
            void Start();

        class First : IExample
            public void Start()          // Implicit interface implementation
                Console.WriteLine("This is IExample's First.Start");

        class Second : First, IExample
            public new void Start()
                Console.WriteLine("This is Second.Start");

        static void Main()
            Second app = new Second();
            app.Start();                   // Calls Second.Start
            ((IExample)app).Start();       // Calls Second.Start
            ((First)app).Start();          // Calls First.Start
The above code is almost similar to the example we seen previously. Only change in here is that, we are implementing the IExample's property implicitly in the base class instead of doing it explicitly.

By using this approach, we can have a way to call the base class's (First) Start() method that we did in the Main method.

Run this code in your console and observe that base class implementation is called by using cast (explicitly),

There are some limitations with interface re-implementations. They are,
  • We cannot call a base class method from its derived class (No way to do that).
  • The base class members doesn't think on the method that is to be re-implemented in the derived class and may not allow for potential consequences.
In order to overcome this limitations, better to mark a base class member (implicit) as virtual and then override it in the derived class .
Or if you need implement it explicitly, then follow the below approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Example
    class Program
        interface IExample                 // Interface
            void Start();

        class First : IExample             // Base class
            void IExample.Start()               // Explicit interface implementation
            public virtual void Start()         // Virtual method
                Console.WriteLine("This is IExample's First.Start");

        class Second : First               // Derived class
            public override void Start()        // Overriding virtual method
                Console.WriteLine("This is Second.Start");

        static void Main()
            Second app = new Second();
            app.Start();                   // Calls Second.Start
            ((IExample)app).Start();       // Calls Second.Start
            ((First)app).Start();          // Calls Second.Start
In the above example, we have explicitly implemented an interface member and re-initializing it with a virtual modifier.

With that we can easily override the base class method.

Output of this code will be,


In this article, we have learnt virtual interfaces and re-implementing interfaces in C# programming. Hope you understand.

Thanks for reading.


Read Enums and properties of enums in C# after this article.
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About the Author

Full Name: Krishna Vamshi Goud
Member Level: Gold
Member Status: Member,MVP
Member Since: 2/12/2014 2:34:09 AM
Country: India
Thanks & Regards, Krishna

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