In this article, we will look at handling conditional statement(s) inside LINQ lambda expression in conjunction with string interpolation of C# 6.0. We will also see its usage with some specific examples.
A conditional statement in a programming language is a statement that handles a condition. e.g. IF..Else , Switch, Ternary Operators are examples of Conditional Statements. If we need to issue command for storing the results of computation for multi statements, we can use Statement Lambda. In this article , we will look into the usage of Statement Lambda with some specific examples and also will demonstrate the usage of String Interpolation feature of C#6.0 in the context.
Case 1: Use of IF..Else construct inside Lambda Expression using Statement Lambda
Consider the below program where we are using the Statement Lambda to evaluate if a person is eligible to cast vote.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var personData = new List<PersonMaster>();
//populating some data
.Range(1, 10)
i =>
personData.Add(new PersonMaster
PersonID = i,
PersonName = string.Concat("Person ", i),
Age = 14+i
//Use of Statement Lambda
var eligiblePersonData = new List<EligiblePerson>();
.ForEach(i =>
if (i.Age < 18)
Console.WriteLine("Mr. {0} is not eligible to case vote as his age is {1} which is under 18",i.PersonName,i.Age);
eligiblePersonData.Add(new EligiblePerson
PersonID = i.PersonID,
PersonName = i.PersonName,
Age = i.Age
//The main person model
public class PersonMaster
public int PersonID { get; set; }
public string PersonName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
//Eligible Person Model
public class EligiblePerson
public int PersonID { get; set; }
public string PersonName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
As can be figure out from the below image

The statement expression blocks started inside the Foreach Extension Method. Inside that, we have written our conditional statement by using the IF..Else constructs, where inside the IF block we are displaying those records into the console which does not satisfy the requirements of casting votes and inside the ELSE block we made a Collection with those records, that does satisfy the requirement.
Case 2: Use of Switch Statement and Ternary operator inside Lambda Expression using Statement Lambda
The above program is re-written in a little different way using Switch Statement and Ternary operator as demonstrated below
.ForEach(i =>
switch(i.Age < 18 ? 0:1) // note the way the ternary operator is used inside the switch statement as an expression
case 0:
Console.WriteLine("Mr. {0} is not eligible to case vote as his age is {1} which is under 18", i.PersonName, i.Age);
case 1:
eligiblePersonData.Add(new EligiblePerson
PersonID = i.PersonID,
PersonName = i.PersonName,
Age = i.Age
The code snippet is same as we have seen with the case of IF..ELSE construct except the ternary operator is used inside the switch statement as an expression for the purpose of evaluation
The use of String Interpolation of C# 6.0
Let us re-write the above code snippet in the String Interpolation of C# 6.0 way
switch (i.Age < 18 ? 0 : 1)
case 0:
//note the usage of String Interpolation - a feature of C# 6.0
string toDisplay = $"Mr. {i.PersonName} is not eligible to case vote as his age is {i.Age} which is under 18";
case 1:
eligiblePersonData.Add(new EligiblePerson
PersonID = i.PersonID,
PersonName = i.PersonName,
Age = i.Age
C# 6.0 comes with a unique feature where the String Interpolation happens in between the strings.Rather than placing the positional placeholders in the old ways, we can use the real values like the way we have used the real properties inside the string braces e.g. {i.PersonName} and {i.Age}.
In this case, the string needs to begin with a $ sign indicating a new kind of string interpolation to happen. At run time, {i.PersonName} will be replaced with the value of the properties.
Let us observe, what the IL says about the String Interpolation

So, the IL reveals that after compilation, the actual statement(s) are a call to string.Format.So String Interpolation is a trick made by the compiler to invoke the string.Format function.
Running all the above examples will yield the below

Lambda Expressions (C# Programming Guide)
Interpolated Strings
In this article we have seen the usage of Statement Lambda with Conditional Statement(s) by providing sufficient examples to understand the same.Also we have provided a demonstration of the use of the String Interpolation feature of C# 6.0 in that context. Hope this will be helpful.Thanks for reading. Zipped file attached.
N.B.~The solution was built using VS2015.