Patindex is a SQL Server function which returns the first occurance of the location of a pattern in a string. The pattern search is not case sensitive. It is very useful in many situations. In this article, we will look into some of the usages of this function.
Patindex is a SQL Server function which returns the first occurrence of the location of a pattern in a string. The pattern search is not case sensitive. It is very useful in many situations. In this article, we will look into some of the usages of this function.
Using the code
CASE 1: Remove Leading Zeros using PATINDEX
In this scenario, our objective is to remove the Leading Zeros from a string using PATINDEX
Let us look into the below example.
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '00001234590789005'; --set the initial value
DECLARE @nonZeroPosition INT -- variable to store the occurance of first non zero value position
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[^0]%',@somevalue) -- This pattern ensures the search position should encounter a non-zero value in the entire string
SELECT RemoveLeadingZeros = SUBSTRING(@somevalue,@nonZeroPosition,(LEN(@somevalue)-(@nonZeroPosition - 1))) --Extract the non-zero values.
In the above example we have formed a pattern '%[^0]%' that ensures the search position should encounter a non-zero value in the entire string.
The line
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[^0]%',@somevalue)
returns the value 5 which indicates that the first non-zero value is at position 5.
Once we have this information,the next step is to use the Substring function to extract the rest of the sub-string values from the 5th position.
CASE 2: Remove Leading Zeros and Alphabetic Characters using PATINDEX
In this scenario, our objective is to remove the Leading Zeros and Alphabetic Characters from a string using PATINDEX
Let us look into the below example.
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '0000abcdef1234590789005'; --set the initial value
DECLARE @nonZeroPosition INT -- variable to store the occurrence of first non zero value position
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[^[0a-z]%',@somevalue) -- This pattern ensures the search position should encounter a non-zero value in the entire string
SELECT RemoveLeadingZerosAndAlphabets = SUBSTRING(@somevalue,@nonZeroPosition,(LEN(@somevalue)-(@nonZeroPosition - 1))) --Extract the needed substring.
In the above example we have formed a pattern '%[^[0a-z]%' that ensures the search position should encounter a non-zero value in the entire string. It must also leave all the leading zeros and alphabets.
The line
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[^[0a-z]%',@somevalue)
returns the value 5 which indicates that the first non-zero value is at position 11.
Once we have this information,the next step is to use the Substring function to extract the rest of the substring values from the 11th position.
CASE 3: Remove Decimals using PATINDEX
In this scenario, our objective is to remove the decimals from the string using PATINDEX
Let us look into the below example.
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '123459078.9005'; --set the initial value
DECLARE @nonZeroPosition INT -- variable to store the occurrence of first non zero value position
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[[.]%',@somevalue) --Ensures the occurrence of a decimal
SELECT ValueBeforeDecimal = LEFT(@somevalue,@nonZeroPosition-1)
The above code also follows the same pattern as for the earlier ones. It finds the occurrence of the first decimal position and by using the LEFT function we have extracted the required substring.
There are however, some alternative approach for the above solution which are presented here
Alternative 1:
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '123459078.9005'; --set the initial value
DECLARE @nonZeroPosition INT -- variable to store the occurrence of first non zero value position
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[[.]%',@somevalue)
SELECT ValueBeforeDecimal = SUBSTRING(@somevalue,0,@nonZeroPosition)
Alternative 2:
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '123459078.9005'; --set the initial value
DECLARE @nonZeroPosition INT -- variable to store the occurrence of first non zero value position
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[[.]%',@somevalue)
SELECT ValueBeforeDecimal =STUFF(@somevalue,@nonZeroPosition,(LEN(@somevalue) - @nonZeroPosition)+1 ,'')
Alternative 3:
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '123459078.9005'; --set the initial value
DECLARE @nonZeroPosition INT -- variable to store the occurrence of first non zero value position
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[[.]%',@somevalue)
SELECT ValueBeforeDecimal =REPLACE(@somevalue,RIGHT(@somevalue,(LEN(@somevalue) - @nonZeroPosition)+1),'')
Alternative 4:
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '123459078.9005'; --set the initial value
SELECT ValueBeforeDecimal =PARSENAME(@somevalue, 2)
CASE 4: Remove Leading Zeros and decimals using PATINDEX
In this case the objective is to remove Leading Zeros and DOTS using PATINDEX
DECLARE @somevalue VARCHAR(50) = '00001234590789005.9005'; --set the initial value
DECLARE @dotPosition INT -- variable to store the occurrence of dot position
DECLARE @nonZeroPosition INT -- variable to store the occurrence of first non zero value position
DECLARE @valueBeforeDecimal VARCHAR(50) -- variable to store values before decimals
SELECT @dotPosition = PATINDEX('%[[.]%',@somevalue)
SELECT @valueBeforeDecimal = LEFT(@somevalue,@dotPosition-1) --Extract non-decimal part
SELECT @nonZeroPosition = PATINDEX('%[^0]%',@valueBeforeDecimal)
SELECT ExtractedValue = SUBSTRING(@valueBeforeDecimal,@nonZeroPosition,(LEN(@valueBeforeDecimal)-(@nonZeroPosition - 1))) --remove leading zero(s)
In this case, we have first extracted the non-decimal values and then from that we have removed the Leading Zeros.
Hope this article will be helpful for learning the usage of PatIndex. Thanks for reading.