In this article, i have tried to show , 'how to send bulk email using Gmail'.
Nowadays, bulk mailing is a major
concern for the business persons. Every feature has its advantages and disadvantages
of its own. Bulk email is also termed as ‘Spam Mailing’. Using this feature, one
can make grand advertisements, send newsletters,etc.
The disadvantage
is that, it may not available in the inbox of the recipient, instead it may be available
in the spam folder, where the chance of noticing the mail is very less. This is
actually done by bulk email blocker programmed into email accounts.
Advantage of
bulk mailing is that, very less time is spend for sending mail to so many recipients.
In this article, I will show you
, how to send bulk-mail using Gmail.
Namespace to send Mail
A relay server
is required to send email. A relay is
a service that allows us to send email. It is a mail server, or a specialized
SMTP server/service that can deal with sending
mails. System.Net.Mail only sends the mail to
a relay server, and finally the
relay server delivers it to the final destination.
If we want to go for third party
SMTP server, for sending emails, then one of the
good solution is Gmail. SMTP and
POP access are being provided by Gmail, which can be
used for receiving and sending emails. Here, I am using a gmail account, for sending
email by SMTP.
One can send limited number of emails daily to selected
people. Sending of mails to unlimited number of persons is restricted by the
anti-spamming engine of gmail.
Before sending mail
After sending mail successfully
Contents of
tblContactDetails. Actually i have
saved all the
email ids in a table.
Namespaces required for my example
Connection string, variables and arraylist declaration
Button click event
Here, i have selected the
emailid field from
tblContactDetails and added into the arraylist
Email_List. That is the recipient list
is being created here.
Method for sending bulk mails.
Here i have simply attached an attachment file which is being saved at D:\\temp\\
location. I needed my gmail email id and password.
Using my example, recipient won't see that it is a mass mail. Only sender
can send mass mail with this example. but recipient won't be able to see, who else
is the recipient of this mail.
http:// www. codeproject. com/KB/aspnet/SMTPGmail.aspx
http://www. c-sharpcorner. com/UploadFile/sangeeta92/109102009051032AM/1.aspx