Dynamically adding an item in a DropDownList Control.

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Here i am going to explain how to add an item dynamically in a DropDownList Control.

 Download source code for Dynamically adding an item in a DropDownList Control.


In this article, i am going to show the different ways of dynamic addition of an item in a DropDownList control.

1. Using jquery(HTML controls)
2. Using jquery(ASP.NET controls)
3. Using javascript
4. Using AppendDataBoundItems

Using jquery(HTML controls)

Here,  I have used HTML Select,HTML Input(Text) and HTML Input(Submit) controls.

Now typed a  flower name in the TextBox and clicked on the button.

Instantly, the flower name is added in the list.


Here i have used jquery-1.2.6.js . This is easily and freely downloadable.

To download jquery-1.2.6.js plz click on the following link:


Place the script tag within the head tag.

Now, place the following within the div tag. Here, the 4  items have been taken beforehand. The value of  txtEnterFlower is added to the list on the click of a button. With the onclick event, function() method is called
and the value of txtEnterFlower is appended in the list.

jquery-1.2.6.js present in the Scripts folder.

Using jquery (ASP.NET controls)

The same technique has been used here. Only difference is, here i have used ASP.NET dropdownlist control without causing a postback. Here also, i have used the same script tag using jquery(mentioned above).

Type the name of a flower and click the button Add Item. The name of the flower is added to the dropdownlist control immediately.

The following shows the use of ASP.NET dropdownlist control.

using javascript

Here, I have used Html button and textbox and ASP.NET DropDownList controls.
Now, type the name, which you want to insert in the dropdownlist

The final output looks like this. That means, on the click of a button, the text is added to the dropdownlist.



On the click of a button, insertanitem() method is called. The id of txtddl and ddl are stored in Mytext and ddlItems respectively. An option element is created. Value of Mytext is initialized in option . And finally, option is added to the dropdownlist control. And this adds an item to the dropdownlist control dynamically using javascript.

Using AppendDataBoundItems

In order to set the first item of an ASP.NET dropdownlist as Select, we can use a new Boolean property named AppendDataBoundItems. AppendDataBoundItems is set to True.One more thing to do. A default ListItem is added. And finally, the dropdownlist is bound with the database named User.


The dropdownlist shows the Select.

Now i have typed the following details and clicked the button Add Item. The dropdownlist is showing that the item is inserted instantly.

Table tblUser. Data in the dropdownlist is shown from this table.



btnAddItem_Click Event


Happy Programming!

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About the Author

Full Name: Zinnia Sarkar
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Member Status: Member
Member Since: 7/24/2010 12:50:40 PM
Country: India
Regards, Ganeshji

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Virendradugar on: 2/16/2012 | Points: 25
Good Post and useful..

But I come across a post which explains almost every possible operation with dropdown with jQuery. See below link.


Posted by: Ganeshji on: 2/16/2012 | Points: 25
Yes, the link mentioned by you, is very useful. Thanks Virendra.

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