Convert nvarchar, money and smallmoney datatype to int

Posted by RaviRanjanKr under Sql Server category on | Points: 40 | Views : 4012
This Code Snippet enables you to convert nvarchar, money and smallmoney values to int.

Simply, we can use the given conversion syntax to convert Nvarchar, smallmoney and money datatype values to int values.
 select (CAST(CAST(ColumnName AS float) AS INT))

select (CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(ColumnName)=1 THEN CAST(CAST(ColumnName AS float) AS INT)END )

Illustrati on
Create a table and insert values as:
create table payment(id varchar(5),amount nvarchar(15))
insert into payment values('E001',5000.00)

after that out of "select * from payment" will be
id amount
--- --------
E001 5000.00

Using Syntax, write code as:
select (CAST(CAST(amount AS float) AS INT)) from Payment

Output for amount columns will be:

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