CodePorting Provides a cloud based conversion service to help users to automatically translate their source code from C# to Java using C#2Java Engine and because it is a web-based application that makes it platform, operating system and browser independent. You just need a browser and internet connection, no installation is required just Sign In and start converting your code from C# to java. You can also edit your .Net code on the fly and download your converted code from anywhere , anytime.
In my previous blog I showed you how CodePorting Engine converts Comments while translating C# code to java. This week I am going to show you how can convert C# "is" operator to java "instanceof" operator using Codeporting's cloud based App.
An 'is' expression returns true if following conditions are met:
. expression is not null
. expression can be cast to type
Following Example shows how "is" operator will be converted to "instanceof" operator after the conversion.
C# Code:
namespace CsPorter.Examples.Convert.LanguageConstructs.AsIs
public class Example1
void Method()
object obj = null;
bool b = obj is string;
b = b is object ? true : false;
Java Code:
package CsPorter.Examples.Convert.LanguageConstructs.AsIs;
public class Example1
private void method()
Object obj = null;
boolean b = obj instanceof String;
b = (Object)b instanceof Object ? true : false;
It is clear from the above example that Codeporting Engine automatically convert "is" operator to "instanceof" operator generating the same result.