Sort String Array and fetch respective string array C#

Posted by Geetha198 under C# category on | Points: 40 | Views : 1341
I am having two array string
Name = new string[3] { "Sachin12", "Nehra123", "Dhoni1" };
Role = new string[3] { "Batsman", "Bowler", "Wicketkeeper" };

fecth the numeric values count from the array "Name"
EX: Sachin having two numeric(1 and 2), nehra having three numeric(1,2 and 3) , dhoni having one numeric values(1). sort this values based on the numeric count like below.


Their respective "role" should be in the final output. like below
Output should be:

Dhoni Wicketkeeper
Sachin Batsman
Nehra Bowler.

Find The Code Below:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var numeri = new HashSet<char>("123");
string[] Name = new string[3];
string[] Role = new string[3];
string[] numeriCount = new string[5];
Name = new string[3] { "Sachin12", "Nehra123", "Dhoni1" };
Role = new string[3] { "Batsman", "Bowler", "Wicketkeeper" };

var vFetchNumeri = from vitem in Name
select new string(vitem.Where(c => numeri.Contains(c)).ToArray());

foreach (var item in vFetchNumeri)
int[] newArray = { item.Length };
//How to get a numeric count like below
numeriCount = new string[3] { "2", "3", "1"};
Array.Sort(numeriCount, Name);
for (int J = 0; J < Role.Length; J++)
Console.WriteLine(Name[J] + " is a " + Role[J]);

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