Create function dbo.SpecialCharRem(@a varchar(100)) returns varchar(100)
with schemabinding
if @a is null
return null
declare @b varchar(100)
set @b = ''
declare @l int
set @l = len(@s)
declare @p int
set @p = 1
while @p <= @l
declare @c int
set @c = ascii(substring(@a, @p, 1))
if @c between 48 and 57 or @c between 65 and 90 or @c between 97 and 122
set @b = @b + char(@c)
set @p = @p + 1
if len(@b) = 0
return null
return @b
The above code is a function, and we can call this function - Select dbo.SpecialCharRem('xyz#890$XYZ')
The output will be - xyz890XYZ
Thanks for reading.