Whether parent key method is suitable for web?

Posted by Namithkrishnan under Sql Server on 12/16/2013 | Points: 10 | Views : 1218 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 0
I wish to do a web based 'builders software' which helps to manage and schedule raw material and works of buiders. In this Software, Builders can create projects.
The projects may be Towers(Tower->Floors->Flats),Villas(Single or multiple),Building Complex,Airport etc.Firstly,we create master details of towers,floors,flats,contract
workers and materials for a single flat,villa,house,shop,airport terminals,runway etc.Shortly, we can create a project by choosing these single units. I have no idea about
the db structure suitable for it. Whether parent key method is suitable for web? Please help me...


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