Escape Key Issues with Update Panel

Posted by Ravimakhija88 under ASP.NET on 1/9/2014 | Points: 10 | Views : 1318 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 0
while hitting ESC key twice when on a page containing an update panel with a any control inside, say textbox or listbox im getting a System.ArgumentException: Invalid postback or callback argument. I have checked in remaining browsers its working fine but in Internet Explorer 8 its creating above said problem.

The possible solution i found, is making EnableEventValidation="false either at page level or webconfig or disabling escape key . i dont want to go with 2 former solutions as either my site security will compromise and i dont want my escape key to disable as im using modal popup in page to hide.

Moreover im interested in why such weird behavior is happening.

Any Suggestions/Ideas appreciated.


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