CSS 2.1 ( Change the color part of a text in CSS )

Posted by Kanje_Ravi under CSS 3 on 8/11/2014 | Points: 10 | Views : 1899 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 0
Hi friends,

I have a requirement to change the color of part of a text in css.

For example. MY text is ABC(XYZ)..Here i want to apply a css style in such a way that it should display as below ..

css style should apply based on condition like before '(' in a text all the characters should be bold and green..

AND (XYZ) --> No Change in Style...

I want in CSS 2.1'

Please help me to fix this issue.

Thanks & Regards,
Ravindra M
(Success Always Depends on Dedication & Commitment)


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