MSDTC on server 'xxxxxSererName xxxx' is unavailable

Posted by Sheonarayan under Error and Solution on 1/29/2015 | Points: 10 | Views : 3335 | Status : [Administrator] | Replies : 0

I was getting error "MSDTC on server 'xxxxxSererName xxxx' is unavailable" when I installed a fresh machine with SQL Server installed and what trying to delete a record from the database using Entity Framework.

To solve this error, follow below steps.

Go to Services in your system (Right click This PC and select Manage and then go to Services and Application > Services.

Search for "Distributed Transaction Coordinator" and double click. It should be stopped. Right click it and select Start.

On the dialog of "Distributed Transaction Coordinator", select Startup type dropdown and select Automatic.

Click OK.

Now I tried deleting the record and it works.


Sheo Narayan


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