Telnet from multiple servers

Posted by Sharpcnet under C# on 6/3/2015 | Points: 10 | Views : 1358 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 0
There is a list of servers, each of which needs to be able to telnet to the central server - and I want to check if they can, from a single place.
The idea is to have a console application run from a single place which will check for all listed servers.Here is my code.

var centralServer = "";
var centralPort = 25;

var servers = ",,";
var telnetPort = 23;

foreach (var server in servers.Split(','))
TcpClient tc = null;
tc = new TcpClient(server, telnetPort);
tc.Client.Send(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("telnet " + centralServer + " " + centralPort));

catch (SocketException se)
// telnet failed on 'server'
if (tc != null)

Even if the centralserver or centralport is invalid/incorrect, no exception occurs. The code still proceeds to complete the for loop . I am unable to know if a server was able to successfully telnet. How should I proceed further.


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