Select from following answers:- It is an analytic function.
- It returns the last value from the order set of values.
- If the last value in the set is null, then the function returns null until we specify IGNORE NULLS.
- If we specify IGNORE NULLS,then Last_Value function returns the first non-nullable value else it returns all null values
- All Above

Last_Value is an analytic function introduced in SQL SERVER 2012(DENALI).It returns the last value from the order set of values.If the last value in the set is null, then the function returns null until we specify IGNORE NULLS.However, if we specify IGNORE NULLS,then Last_Value function returns the first non-nullable value else it returns all null values.The Last_Value function returns the last value from the order set of values. If the first value is null, then the function returns null
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