Answer: Hi All
We can prove this by using Object.GetHashCode () Method provided in super class of all .net langues..
The hash code is a numeric value that is used to identify an object..
Please refer the below line of code..
using System;
using System.Text;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string strtemp ="Prad";
Console.WriteLine(strtemp +" "+ strtemp.GetHashCode());
strtemp = strtemp + "eep";
Console.WriteLine(strtemp +" "+strtemp.GetHashCode());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Prad");
Console.WriteLine(sb + " " + sb.GetHashCode());
Console.WriteLine(sb + " " + sb.GetHashCode());
Prad 432992021
Pradeep -673750172
Prad 46104728
Pradeep 46104728 */
As we can see for any operation performed on the string the new memory is created that y it is called immutable..
while for stringbuilder for all the operation the same memory is being modified.. as we can see the hashcode both time is same.
Happy coding :-)
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