You are writing a component that uses a TransactionScope to ensure transactional behavior. You must add code to call an Enterprise Services component. This component uses Enterprise Services declarative transactions. You must combine the System.EnterpriseServices transactions with the ambient transaction created by the TransactionScope block.

What should you do?

 Posted by Rajkatie on 9/28/2012 | Category: ADO.NET Interview questions | Views: 2845 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. Create the TransactionScope with EnterpriseServicesInteropOption set to Full.
  2. Create the TransactionScope with TransactionScopeOption set to Suppress.
  3. Create the TransactionScope with TransactionScopeOption set to RequiresNew.
  4. All Above

Show Correct Answer

Source: MeasureUp.Com | Asked In: Many Interviews | Alert Moderator 

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