The Employee table of the AdventureWorks2012 database includes information on each employee's accrued vacation hours. When an employee takes a vacation and uses all his or her hours, the hours are reset to NULL. You want to determine the total number of employees who have a job title like Design Engineer who have outstanding vacation hours.

Which of the following T-SQL statements can you use to accomplish this task?

 Posted by Rajkatie on 11/30/2012 | Category: Sql Server Interview questions | Views: 3759 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. SELECT COUNT(VacationHours) FROM Employee WHERE JobTitle LIKE 'Design Engineer%';
  2. SELECT SUM(VacationHours) FROM Employee WHERE JobTitle LIKE 'Design Engineer%';
  3. SELECT AVG(VacationHours) FROM Employee WHERE JobTitle LIKE 'Design Engineer%';
  4. All Above

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Source: Microsoft Press | | Alert Moderator 

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