Explain briefly the concept of Tripple Store Database

 Posted by Niladri.Biswas on 12/12/2012 | Category: Others Interview questions | Views: 3254 | Points: 40

In a classic relational database, data is stored in records. Each record contains multiple fields. These fields contain data that may belong to some object. The relation between the field and the object it belongs to is not represented as data in the database. It is only available as metadata in the form of the column (name, datatype, collation, foreign keys). An object is not explictly modelled, but rather via a series of linked tables.

A Triple Store Database is a network of interrelated triples ("subject-predicate-object" triplets) whose predicates are part of the data themselves. Moreover, each object has an identifier that is not just an integer number that means only something inside the database only. It is a URI that may have a distinct meaning worldwide.

A triple is a record containing three values: either (uri, uri, uri) or (uri, uri, value). In the first form the triple relates one object to another, as in the fact "Vox inc. is a supplier" (Both "Vox inc.", "is a", and "supplier" are semantic subjects identified by a uri). In the second form the triple links a constant value to a subject, as in "Vox inc.'s phone number is 0842 020 9090".

Examples: Mulgara

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