You need to test your web-based application works correctly with different language(e.g. hindi,english,french etc). you have already created resource files which include translations text for all your server controls. you need to test for english language. which of the following thing you could do for test ?

 Posted by Rajkatie on 12/30/2012 | Category: ASP.NET Interview questions | Views: 4940 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. Set Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture to a new instance of CultureInfo created with the string “en”
  2. Add culture=”fr” to the @ Page directive.
  3. In Page.Load, set Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture to a new instance of CultureInfo created with the string “en”. and Add uiculture=”en” to the @ Page directive.
  4. All Above

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Source: Microsoft Press book | | Alert Moderator 

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