You are creating a Windows Forms application. The Form Border Style property is set to None. The Forms BackgroundImage property is set to bg.jpg. The bg.jpg image file stores the background and shape of the form. When the application runs, the form should ideally take the shape of the bitmap file only but it is not happening. Currently the form takes the entire image as well as the background.
What needs to be done in order to bring the change?

 Posted by Niladri.Biswas on 1/18/2013 | Category: Others Interview questions | Views: 3769 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. Remove the image file all together
  2. Set the Form Transparency key property to the background color of the image file
  3. Set the Form BackColor property to the background color of the image file
  4. Set the Form BackgroundImageLayout property to the background color of the image file
  5. All Above

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