What debugging tools come with the .NET Framework SDK?

 Posted by Poster on 9/11/2009 | Category: C# Interview questions | Views: 14763

CorDBG – command-line debugger

The Runtime Debugger helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime. This tool uses the runtime Debug API to provide debugging services. Developers can examine the code to learn how to use the debugging services. Currently, you can only use Cordbg.exe to debug managed code; there is no support for debugging unmanaged code. To use CorDbg, you must compile the original C# file using the /debug switch.

Click for more details http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a6zb7c8d(VS.80).aspx

DbgCLR – graphic debugger.

The Microsoft CLR Debugger (DbgCLR.exe) provides debugging services with a graphical interface to help application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the common language runtime. The CLR Debugger, and the accompanying documentation, is based on work being done for the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Debugger. As a result, the documentation refers mostly to the Visual Studio Debugger, rather than the CLR Debugger. In most cases, the information is applicable to both debuggers. However, you will find sections of the documentation describing some features that are not implemented in the CLR Debugger (see the next paragraph). You can simply ignore these features and sections.

Here are some of the main differences between the CLR Debugger and the Visual Studio Debugger as described in the documentation:

* The CLR Debugger does not support the debugging of Win32 native code applications. Only applications written and compiled for the common language runtime can be debugged with the CLR Debugger.

* Remote debugging is not implemented in the CLR Debugger.

* The Registers window is implemented in the CLR Debugger, but no register information appears in the window. Other operations that involve registers or pseudoregisters, such as displaying or changing a register value, are not supported. For more information see, How to: Use the Registers Window.

* The Disassembly window is implemented in the CLR Debugger but shows the disassembly code that would be generated for the application if it were compiled as Win32 native code rather than common language runtime code. For more information see, How to: Use the Disassembly Window.

* The CLR Debugger does not support F1 help.

* The CLR Debugger does not support the Autos window feature.

Click for more details http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7zxbks7z(VS.80).aspx

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