You are going to develop ASP.Net MVC application in which you need to call third-party RESTful service which will return information in the JSON format. Using that information you will populate a section of the main page of the application. But you don’t know the exact time when or how much information will be returned with each service call. What is the best way to implement this application ?

 Posted by Rajkatie on 1/22/2015 | Category: ASP.NET MVC Interview questions | Views: 20036 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. Put a synchronous service call into the main page controller
  2. Design the Model that handles service call and populate it with web service response.secondly create a partial view containing only this display area and put an asynchronous service call that returns this model in the partial view controller.
  3. Create a partial view containing only this display area and put a synchronous service call in the partial view controller.
  4. All Above

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