Entity Framework supported the development of applications using Schema first and Model First approach. Now, the new Entity Framework introduced the Code First approach.
Entity Framework
Entity Framework supported the development of applications
using Schema first and Model First approach. Now, the new Entity Framework
introduced the Code First approach. In Code First approach, we are creating the
code first and the Entity framework will automatically generate the
corresponding tables. Let us discuss more about Code First approach of Entity
Framework here.
NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to
install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio. We will
use NuGet to get the Entity Framework installed. The advantage here is that the
associated assemblies will be added to the project automatically.
You can install the NuGet either from http://www.nuget.org/ or using the Extension
Manager in Visual Studio 2010 IDE.
Install Entity Framework
After installing NuGet, create your application. Right click
on the References and choose Add Library Package Reference option.
Select Online and Search for EntityFramework. Select Install
to install the Entity Framework.
This will add the assemblies required by the Entity
Framework to your application.
Create the Classes
Now Let us create the classes required for our project. For
our sample, I am using two classes Student and Marks. Each student will have a
list of Marks associated with it.
public class Student
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set;}
public string LastName { get; set;}
public List<Mark> Marks { get; set; }
public class Mark
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Subject{ get; set; }
public int mark { get; set; }
CodeFirst depends mainly on the DbContext. DBContext
automatically generate the database using the tables defined. We will define
our DbContext as
public class MyDbContext: DbContext
public DbSet<Student> Students { get;set; }
public DbSet<Mark> Marks { get;set; }
Define Data Access Methods
Now let us define a class with data querying methods. For
our sample, we use the StudentData class with a GetStudents method to retrieve
the data from the DbContext.
public class StudentData
MyDbContext context = new MyDbContext();
public List<Student> GetStudents()
return (from s in context.Students
select s).ToList();
Define Connection String
Now we need to define the connection string to connect to
the database. DbContext will use this connection string to generate the
Database and associated tables from the code.
<add name="MyDbContext"
connectionString="datasource=.;Integrated Security=SSPI; database=Students"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Normally, we will specify the connection string name as
DbContext name; but we can use a different name too.
Define the UI
Build the solution. Building the solution is important;
otherwise when we try to define a datasource pointing to the Object, our
StudentData object will not be available.
Now, let us define the UI to display the data. For our
sample, I am having one GridView with a DataSource associated with it. Configure the datasource using our StudentData, which return
the Student data as a list.
Select the StudentData defined in the project.
Now, select method used to return the student details.
Run the application
You can observe a blank page. Now, DbContext created the
database and tables in the specified server. Let us open the server explorer
and verify the same.
You can observe that, there is a new database with name
Students is created in the server. You can observe the two tables created under
the table – Students & Marks.
You can notice the foreign key generated as part of the
Marks table. Also the id fields are generated as identity fields.
There is another table generated with the name EdmMetaData,
which will be for tracking the changes. We will discuss about it in latter.
Let us enter some data to the Students table.
Now we will run our application again.
In this article we discussed about the new model of Entity
Framework – CodeFirst. We will look more on the Entity Framework and its
capabilities latter.
Please find the Solution structure used for constructing the sample Code First project.