Customize SharePoint List Forms using InfoPath 2010

Posted by in SharePoint category on for Intermediate level | Points: 250 | Views : 11223 red flag

In this article we will be seeing how to customize SharePoint List Forms using InfoPath Forms.


In the previous article, we learnt Create Scopes in SharePoint 2010 using PowerShell.In this article we will be seeing how to customize SharePoint List Forms using InfoPath Forms.


I have a custom List named Employee Details which contains the following columns.

Here I am going to customize the list forms using InfoPath 2010 and the form looks like the following 


Customize SharePoint List Form:

1. Go to Employee Details list.

2. On the ribbon interface, click on List Tools and then click on List tab.

3. Click on Customize Form which is available in Customize List ribbon group.



4. InfoPath form will be opened.

5. Select all content in the form by pressing CTRL+A.

6. Press Delete to delete all the content in the form.

Create Custom Layout:

1. On the Page Design tab, click Page Layout Templates, and then click Color Bar as shown in the following

2. The layout looks like the following


3. Select the layout table, and then click the Center button on the Home tab of the ribbon.

4. Click on Add tables placeholder text.

5. On the Insert tab, click on Two – Column 2 table as shown in the following

6. Add one more Two – Column 2 table.

7. The layout looks like the following 


Add a header image to the form:

1. Click on “Click to add title” placeholder text.

2. On the Insert menu, click on Picture.


3. Browse for the picture and then click on Insert.

4. Add the text Employee Details and change the Shading color.

5. Title looks like the following

Insert the fields in the custom layout:

1. From the Fields task pane, Drag and drop the fields to the form. You should highlight both columns when you release the mouse so that the label for the control will appear automatically in the left column.

2. Customized form looks like the following

3. On the Home tab, click on Preview.

4. The form looks like the following


Publish the InfoPath form to SharePoint:

1. Go to File => Info and then click on Quick Publish.

2. Publishing...

3. Form template is successfully published.

InfoPath form in SharePoint Edit or New form:

1. Open the SharePoint Site.

2. Go to Employee Details list and add a new item.

3. New form will be an InfoPath form as shown in the following. 

Hope you liked this article, stay tuned for next article in this article series.

Thanks for reading.

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About the Author

Full Name: Vijai Anand R
Member Level: Starter
Member Status: Member
Member Since: 5/22/2011 5:12:38 AM
Country: India
Vijai Anand.R
SharePoint Developer

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Cp_Raj on: 3/22/2012 | Points: 25
Hi Vijay,
thanks for your article. And keep writing.

how to bring master, child data in Infopath form. Means ( On selecting master data, need to bring child data in the grid).i hope u understand my question.


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