Microsoft .NET Frameworks features details

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This article describes the features and enhancements that has happened with respect to Microsoft .NET Frameworks

Microsoft .NET Frameworks....

Features and enhancements that has happened with respect to Microsoft .NET Frameworks


To know the series of events happened with respect to .NET framework.

Microsoft .NET Framework Details

Features: .NET Framework Version - V1.0/1.1: Released in Year 2002/2003

  1. CLR 1.0/1.1
  2. C#.NET was introduced
  3. Upgraded to VB.NET from VB 6
  4. Upgraded to ASP.NET from ASP 3
  5. Upgraded to ADO.NET from ADO
  6. Remoting (previously DCOM) was introduced
  7. Web Services introduced
  8. Visual Studio Versions:  2002/2003

Features: NET Framework Version - V 2.0: Released in Year/2005

  1. CLR 2.0
  2. C#/VB/ASP/ADO.NET 2.0
  3. Web Services Enhancements (WSE)
  5. Visual Studio Versions:  2005

Features: NET Framework Version - V 3.0: Released in Year/2006

  1. CLR 2.0
  2. C#/VB/ASP/ADO.NET 2.0
  3. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) introduced
  4. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) introduced
  5. Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) introduced
  6. Windows CardSpace introduced
  7. Visual Studio Versions:  VS 2005

Features: NET Framework Version - V3.5: Released in Year/2008

  1. CLR 2.0
  2. C#/VB/ASP/ADO.NET 3.5
  3. Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
  4. WCF/WPF/WF 3.5
  5. ASP.NET AJAX is built-in
  6. Visual Studio Versions:  VS 2008

Features: NET Framework Version – V3.5 SP1: Released in Year/2009

  1. Silverlight
  2. Entity Framework

Features: NET Framework Version – V4.0: Released in Year/2010

  1. CLR 4.0
  2. C#/VB/ASP/ADO.NET 4.0
  3. LINQ/EF 4.0
  4. WCF/WPF/WF 4.0
  5. Silverlight 3.0
  6. ASP.NET MVC 2.0
  7. F#.NET introduced
  8. Dynamic Programming
  9. Parallel Programming
  10. Visual Studio Versions: VS 2010

Features: NET Framework Version – V4.5:  Beta is released

  1. Visual Studio Versions: VS 2011

Happy Implementation

Thanks for reading !!!
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About the Author

Full Name: Shantanu Patel
Member Level:
Member Status: Member
Member Since: 2/19/2010 8:01:15 AM
Country: India

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Akiii on: 3/10/2012 | Points: 25
This is really helpful Sir. Thank you very much !

Posted by: Patel28rajendra on: 3/13/2012 | Points: 25
Hi Shantanupatel
Fantastic article it really good for learning .net
It also gives difference between version of .net

Really nice

Thank You

Rajendra Patel
Posted by: Shantanupatel on: 3/13/2012 | Points: 25
Hi Rajendra,

Thanks a lot for the feedback and comments.
Posted by: Pavan_Kumar on: 3/15/2012 | Points: 25
Hi Shantanu,
Very Nice post.

Posted by: Hareesh on: 3/20/2012 | Points: 25
this is really very helpful .netframe work version details.


Posted by: Jmckamal on: 3/24/2012 | Points: 25
Very informative. Thanks you Shantanupatel.
Posted by: Self-Innovator on: 3/27/2012 | Points: 25
Intresting Post..Keep updating

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