How to use String.Format function of C# in Javascript and display multiple values of a resource file.

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In this article we will look as how to use String.Format function of C# in JavaScript and display multiple values of a resource file.

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Recently,I had a requirement where I need to access various values of resource file in javascript. So I thought of sharing the same here. In this article, we will look as how to display the current date and time using the C# DateTime.Now property in conjunction with reading some texts from resource files and combining them altogether using the String.Format C# function.

Straight to code

Let us first create a resource file (name it as "Test.resx") which has the following Names and Values

Next, create a Test.aspx page and have a button control. And on the OnClientClick event invoke a "Test()" function

	<asp:Button ID="btnTest" runat="server" Text="Invoke" OnClientClick="Test()" />

Lastly, implement the "Test()" funciton as under

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function Test() {
var combinedResourceValue = '<%= string.Format("{0}: {1} {2}: {3}", Resources.Test.Value1, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") ,Resources.Test.Value2,DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt")) %>';

We can invoke the C# functions within a set of <%= and %> template operators.The output is as under

N.B.~The way to read resource file in java script is presented in Read Resource File values in JavaScript


So in this short article we have seen as how to use C# function, Resource file values in JavaScript. Hope, this will be useful.

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About the Author

Full Name: Niladri Biswas
Member Level: Platinum
Member Status: Member
Member Since: 10/25/2010 11:04:24 AM
Country: India
Best Regards, Niladri Biswas
Technical Lead at HCL Technologies

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