Creating Facebook Template in Visual Studio 2013 RC

Rama Sagar
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This Article explains you to how to develop a web project using Facebook Template. This Facebook template will help you with authentication, permissions and accessing Facebook data

 Download source code for Creating Facebook Template in Visual Studio 2013 RC


Visual Studio 2013 RC provides the following types of web project templates that target the .NET Framework 4.5 or later versions:
• Empty template 
• Web Forms template
• MVC template 
• Web API template 
• SPA template 
• Facebook template 
• Mobile template 

Let’s look into the sample Implementation of Facebook Template:-

Project Creation

1. Open Your Visual Studio 2013 RC 
2. Navigate to New Project Choose Web and then select “ASP.Net Web Application”. 
3. Enter Your Application Name by choosing the location and then Click ok as shown below

4. Select Facebook Template and then click on Create Project

5. Now Select Your Application right click and open Properties

6. By default your SSL Enabled is false, change it to true by choosing drop down as shown below

7. Copy the SSL URL shown. 8. Now Right click on the solution file and open Properties and select web tab and in the project URL option paste the 
SSL Url you copied previously and Click on Create Virtual Directory.

Creating Facebook app and linking to project

1. Open your browser and go to and enter your login credentials in Facebook. 2. Register as a Developer

3. Now click on Create new App and provide your unique APP Name and APP Namespace credentials. Select your unique
APP Namespace that will be used to access your Facebook app. You can also leave App Namespace as it is optional and click 
on continue as shown below

4. Now Enter the Captcha and continue 5. Note your App ID and your App Secret. And make sure that your Sandbox Mode is Enabled as shown below

6. Open the Web.config file in Visual Studio 2013 RC. 7. Paste the App Id, App Secret and App Namespace values into the corresponding elements as shown below

8. Now Right-click on your project and go to properties. From the "Web" tab copy your Project URL. 9. Paste your Project URL in the Canvas URL and Secure Canvas URL. Change the Canvas Width to "Fluid" which 
adjusts to user's web browser size as shown below

11. Run your Application from Visual Studio 2013 RC 12. It may throw you some SSL Error ignore it and click on Proceed Anyway it will access your profile and displays 
the result as shown

This article explains you the quick approach to how to develop a web application using the Facebook Template and helps you to run your web application and create your app in Facebook. Some manual settings in Facebook and as well as your application in Visual Studio 2013 RC.

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About the Author

Rama Sagar
Full Name: RamaSagar Pulidindi
Member Level: Silver
Member Status: Member,MVP
Member Since: 12/30/2012 1:51:40 AM
Country: India
A Software Profesional working in Microsoft .NET technologies since year 2008, and I work for Dake ACE. I am passionate about .NET technology and love to contribute to the .NET community at Dot Net Funda

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