MongoDB can be used as a file system, taking advantage of load balancing and data replication features over multiple machines for storing files.
In this article we will learn how to update document in mongo dB
with a practical example.
Previous articles covered an introduction to mongo dB and the set up and installation,
and few command line options.You can access those articles from here:
The objective of the article is to learn about updating document in
Mongo database.
Updating Document
previous article we have seen how to update a document using update command
here we will see some more options of updating a document.
Now lets
consider some array operations
We can
see below that I have a document with only an id field ({_id:1});
Now if we
want here an array containing some values in this document
We can
issue the update with the push command to add an item to an array
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$push :{ things: ’one’}});
Lets put
some more items
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$push :{ things: ‘two’}});
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$push :{ things: ‘three’}});
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$push :{ things: ‘three’}});
We can find
that it has the element three twice that might be something we don’t want.. We can
restrict it by using addToSet operator
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$addToSet :{ things: ‘four’}});
We can
notice that the element four didn't added again
We can still see three is hanging in which we doesnt need we can remove it out of the array by using pull
operator and can add it again as shown..
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$pull :{ things: ‘three}});
It will delete all the instances of three in the array as shown below
Now if we
want to remove the last element and first element in an array we can use pop
operator as shown below
For last element
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$pop :{ things: 1}});
For First
element we can use negative value
db.a.update ({_id:1}, {$pop :{ things: -1}});
Now lets consider a scenario where we had multiple records in the database...if we wanna apply an update to several of them
Lets see if we wanna push another element in them using the update command with an empty query we can do it
db.a.update ({}, {$push :{ things: 4}});
But we can see that only one record was effected this is because the default options of an update is fixed to one record.
we can fix it by using the multiple options true
db.a.update ({}, {$push :{ things: 4}},{multi:true));
In this article we have seen different options in updating a document in mongo database.In coming articles we will see more about querying.