Decorator Design Pattern

Posted by Bushra under ASP.NET category on | Points: 40 | Views : 1490
namespace DecoratorPattern
class Program
public interface SurgeryWard
string GetRoomName();

double GetPayment();

class FourBeddedRoom : SurgeryWard
private string roomname="Four Bedded Room";

private double roompayment = 1000.0;

public string GetRoomName()
return roomname;

public double GetPayment()
return roompayment;

class TwoBeddedRoom : SurgeryWard
private string roomname="Two Bedded Room";
private double roompayment = 2000.0;

public string GetRoomName()
return roomname;

public double GetPayment()
return roompayment;

class SingleRoom : SurgeryWard
private string roomname="SingleRoom";
private double roompayment = 3000.0;

public string GetRoomName()
return roomname;

public double GetPayment()
return roompayment;
public abstract class Decorator : SurgeryWard
SurgeryWard RoomType = null;

protected string addedamenity = "Undefined Decorator";
protected double amenitypayment = 0.0;

protected Decorator(SurgeryWard RoomTypee)
RoomType = RoomTypee;

#region SurgeryWard Members

string SurgeryWard.GetRoomName()
return string.Format("{0}, {1}", RoomType.GetRoomName(), addedamenity);

double SurgeryWard.GetPayment()
return amenitypayment + RoomType.GetPayment();

public void Show()
string a = string.Format("{0}, {1}", RoomType.GetRoomName(), addedamenity);
double b = amenitypayment + RoomType.GetPayment();
Console.WriteLine("RoomDetails {0} Payment {1}", a, b);

class TelevisionDecorator : Decorator
public TelevisionDecorator(SurgeryWard RoomTypee)
: base(RoomTypee)
this.addedamenity = "Television";
this.amenitypayment = 100.0;

class LockerDecorator : Decorator
public LockerDecorator(SurgeryWard RoomTypee)
: base(RoomTypee)
this.addedamenity = "Locker";
this.amenitypayment = 200.0;
class WifiDecorator : Decorator
public WifiDecorator(SurgeryWard RoomTypee)
: base(RoomTypee)
this.addedamenity = "Wifi";
this.amenitypayment = 300.0;
class SofaBedDecorator : Decorator
public SofaBedDecorator(SurgeryWard RoomTypee)
: base(RoomTypee)
this.addedamenity = "SofaBed";
this.amenitypayment = 400.0;
class MiniFridgeDecorator : Decorator
public MiniFridgeDecorator(SurgeryWard RoomTypee)
: base(RoomTypee)
this.addedamenity = "MiniFridge";
this.amenitypayment = 500.0;
class WritingTableDecorator : Decorator
public WritingTableDecorator(SurgeryWard RoomTypee)
: base(RoomTypee)
this.addedamenity = "WritingTable";
this.amenitypayment = 6.0;
static void Main(string[] args)
SingleRoom sr = new SingleRoom();
WifiDecorator wd = new WifiDecorator(sr);
TelevisionDecorator td = new TelevisionDecorator(wd);



Comments or Responses

Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 12/2/2015 Level:HonoraryPlatinum | Status: [Administrator] | Points: 10
Please do not just copy-paste the code but also explain these code snippets.


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