Hosting a website in cloud

Posted by Saratvaddilli under Cloud on 11/2/2012 | Points: 10 | Views : 2954 | Status : [Member] [MVP] | Replies : 3
hi to every one,
i want to host my website in the cloud
please some on suggest me how can i get that

Thanks and Regards
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Posted by: Deepraj on: 11/2/2012 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

If your site is having more load like facebook.You can use cloud, otherwise no need simply host it in a server.If you require go for third party webservices which provide cloud.
Pay & Use
Amazon WebService ..


Saratvaddilli, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Brettdaren on: 11/6/2012 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Basically you can get so many hosting websites around the world but some of them are trust worthy and providing reliable hosting solutions. I recommend FireHost, SoftLayer and CloudSigma. They are big names in the Industry. If your website having lots of load and traffic then i advice you top go with FireHost and Softlayer. They both also provides 1 month free trial. You will get all the hosting benefits from them like PCI Compliant, SAS 70, High Performance Computing, Scheduled Backup, Elastic Load Balancing and other important hosting features. Although the final decision depends upon the usability and according to given budget. So choose your hosting wisely by keeping all the elements in front

Saratvaddilli, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Ishan7 on: 1/6/2021 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Top 10 Cloud Hosting Providers – The Rankings
Each company on the list brings something unique to their version of the cloud. The aim of the is to provide list that helps you identify the various players in the cloud computing market, and help you purchase the right one for your needs.

Rank Provider Price Free Trail Visit
1 Rackspace $0.015/hr Yes visit provider visit rank
2 Amazon $0.016/hr Yes visit provider visit rank
3 Softlayer $0.12/hr Yes visit provider visit rank
4 FireHost $200/mo Yes visit provider visit rank
5 GoGrid $0.06/hr No visit provider visit rank
6 CloudSigma $0.0225/hr Yes visit provider visit rank
7 GoogleComputeEngine $0.145/hr Yes visit provider visit rank
8 ElasticHosts $0.12/hr Yes visit provider visit rank
9 SingleHOP $50.00/hr No visit provider visit rank
10 WindowsAzure $9.95/mo Yes visit provider visit rank


Saratvaddilli, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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