What is the difference between "Start debugging" and "Start without debugging"

Posted by Arjunan_Csharp under C# on 1/18/2013 | Points: 10 | Views : 6146 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 2
What is the difference between "Start debugging" and "Start without debugging in Vstudio IDE"


Posted by: Saratvaddilli on: 1/19/2013 [Member] [MVP] Bronze | Points: 25

there is no difference in the out put.

Start debugging will allow to put break point and navigate through the code during debugging . Debugger will attach
Other than this there is no diffrence

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Posted by: Kundnani.Rt on: 1/19/2013 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

When you run program with debugging, you actually can track logical errors in your program. Running Programs with debugging gives you way to understand program flow.

E.g. If you set break points in your code, .NET Compiler will stop at every break point and you can track program flow.

However, in case of Running program without debugging, the .NET Compiler does not give you facility to find runtime logical bugs. i.e. it will simply terminate your program incase of error.

Commands Reference:

Run with Debugging: Press F5
Run without Debugging: Ctrl+F5

*If you want to do debugging after "Run without Debugging", then Select "Attach to Process" from Debug Menu.

Arjunan_Csharp, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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